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Allâhumma mâ 'amiltu min 'amalin fî hâdzihis sanati mâ nahaitanî 'anhu, wa lam atub minhu, wa hamalta fîhâ 'alayya bi fadhlika ba'da qudratika 'alâ 'uqûbatî, wa da'autanî ilat taubati min ba'di jarâ'atî 'alâ ma'shiyatik. Fa innî astaghfiruka, faghfirlî wa mâ 'amiltu fîhâ mimmâ tardhâ, wa wa'attanî 'alaihits tsawâba, fa'as'aluka an tataqabbala minnî wa lâ taqtha'

Maghrib prayers.

The rukhsah in the form of qasar can even be used together with qasar. In other words, we can do two prayers at one prayer time, by shortening the number of rak'ahs. For example, we can perform jamak qasar prayer for Dhuhr and Asr by performing Dhuhr prayer in 2 rak'ahs, then followed b

1. Intention

The intention before drinking is meant to make sure that what is consumed by the body becomes blessed. Prophet Muhammad SAW taught to have the intention by saying, "Alhamdulillahilladzi ath 'amanaa wa saqoonaa wa ja'alanaa minal muslimiin," which means "All praise be to Allah who has bestowed upon us food and drink. And made us among the Muslims." This ritual can be implemented when drinking milk on 1 Muharram as a way of aspiration for a new yea

050274500_1671605810-pexels-mohammad-ramezani-12772601.jpgue and blessings.

KH Abdul Hamid also stresses the health benefits of milk, specifically for children's growth and development. According to him, milk has been mentioned in the Quran and hadith as a drink rich in benediction. During the Isra' Mi'raj event, Prophet Muhammad saw chose milk when Angel Gabrie


Allâhumma antal abadiyyul qadîmul awwal. Wa 'alâ fadhlikal 'azhîmi wa karîmi jûdikal mu'awwal. Hâdzâ 'âmun jadîdun qad aqbal. As'alukal 'ishmata fîhi minas syaithâni wa auliyâ'ih, wal 'auna 'alâ hâdzihin nafsil ammârati bis sû'I, wal isytighâla bimâ yuqarribunî ilaika zulfâ, y


Lucinta Luna has once again surprised her fans. This time, Lucinta Luna is said to have undergone plastic surgery once more. On her Instagram account, Lucinta Luna revealed her head to neck covered in ban

n Allaahumma in kaana rizqii fis-samaa'i fa anzilhu, wa in kaana fil ardi fa akhrijhu, wa in kaana mu'assiran fa yassirhu, wa in kaana haraaman fa tahhirhu wa in kaana ba'iidan fa qarribhu bi haqqi duhaa'ika wa bahaa'ika wa jamaalika wa quwwatika wa qudratika, aatinii maa ataita 'ibaadakash-shalihii

In conclusion, Prophet Yunus's supplication holds very significant and relevant wisdom in a Muslim's life. Through this prayer, Muslims can learn about the significance of patience, acknowledging mistakes, seeking forgiveness from Allah, and practicing obedience to Him. May you take wisdom from Prophet Yunus's story and implement it in your daily

055639700_1666344669-bacaan-doa-untuk-orang-meninggal-latin-dan-artinya.jpgyâ karîm.

Meaning: "My Lord, I ask forgiveness for my actions this year that You prohibited-while I have not yet repented, my actions that You tolerated due to Your generosity-while You are capable of punishing me, and (sinful) actions that You commanded me to repent from-while I committed them, which means disobeying You. My Lord, I hope You accept my actions that You are pleased with this year and my actions that are promised Your reward. Do not make me lose ho

Prayer Recitation

Illustration of Praying Credit: freepik.com

اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنَّ الضُّحَآءَ ضُحَاءُكَ وَالْبَهَاءَ بَهَاءُكَ وَالْجَمَالَ جَمَالُكَ وَالْقُوَّةَ قُوَّتُكَ وَالْقُدْرَةَ قُدْرَتُكَ وَالْعِصْمَةَ عِصْمَتُك

d Its Prayer

The roots of the practice of drinking milk on 1 Muharram stem from a tradition advocated by scholars as a form of aspiration and prayer to greet the new Hijri year with blessings. KH Abdul Hamid, Chairman of Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyah Nahdlatul Ulama (RMINU) Pringsewu Regency, cited from the official website of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) clarifies that drinking milk at the commencement of the Hijri year ha

nblemished heart.

Referenced from Nahdlatul Ulama's Aula Magazine July 2023 Edition, this tradition has long been and is practiced as a form of tafa'ul or expecting for good fortune. During the day, they also consume foods that have symbolic meanings such as almond tea and honey to gain ble

ng netizens.

It should be noted that this khodam checking service is actually intended for amusement and fun only, not as a grave matter that must be believed. However, this trend continues to be an intriguing topic of conversation and encourages many people to take part in the collective excitement. So, for those who wish to try, feel free to check khodam thro

n اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنْ كَانَ رِزْقِى فِى السَّمَآءِ فَأَنْزِلْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ فِى اْلاَرْضِ فَأَخْرِجْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ مُعَسَّرًا فَيَسِّرْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ حَرَامًا فَطَهِّرْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ بَعِيْدًا فَقَرِّبْهُ بِحَقِّ ضُحَاءِكَ وَبَهَاءِكَ وَجَمَالِكَ وَقُوَّتِكَ وَقُدْرَتِكَ آتِنِىْ مَآاَتَيْتَ عِبَادَكَ الصَّالِحِيْن

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