Blog entry by Mai Heflin

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Palace servants carry heirlooms while participating in the Kirab Pusaka and Tapa Bisu ritual ceremony in Solo on Saturday (31/8/2019) night. The procession is held to commemorate the change of the Islamic New Year, which in the Javanese calendar is called one Suro. (me

Night of One Suro

Javanese society, particularly in Solo and Yogyakarta, have a prohibition on the night of first Suro such as building houses. Based on various sources, this is not allowed because it can bring misfortune to the owner. Such as causing illness, suffering, scarc

036215300_1667476717-bacaan-sholat-dari-awal-sampai-akhir-lengkap-dengan-niatnya.jpgand even smoking.

The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) clarifies that at the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace on the commemoration of the night of one Suro, they conduct a procession of heirlooms circling the palace fortress, followed by thousands of residents from Yogyak


Arabic Transliteration: Bismillahir rahmaa nirrahiim. Alhamdu lilla hi rabbil 'alamin. Ar rahmaanirrahiim. Maaliki yaumiddiin. Iyyaaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta'iin. Ihdinash shirraatal musthaqiim. Shiraathal ladziina an'amta 'alaihim ghairil maghduubi

in any situation.

When a Muslim departs not in a state of husnul khotimah, it is because they themselves selected it. As expressed by Imam Suyuthi in Syarh As Shudur that the factor of someone becoming khusnul khotimah (dying in a dishonored state) is like ignoring prayer matters, drinking khamr, disobeying parents, t

Allah correctly.

Initially, Prophet Yunus AS started his preaching with full enthusiasm and strived to communicate his message. However, his people refused to listen and continued doing sinful acts. Seeing their indifference, Prophet Yunus AS grew despondent and decided to leave them w

rs of attraction.

The concept of khodam is a human companion, which certainly has various forms. Companion or ancestral khodam can take the form of white tiger khodam, black beetle khodam, dragon khodam, qarin jinn khodam, snake khodam, white crocodile khodam, queen khodam, striped tiger khodam, old grandmother khodam, fire lion khodam, green giant khodam, yellow iron khodam, red pomegranate khodam, singo barong khodam, semar mesem kris khodam, idu geni sabdo d

its surroundings.

During this mubeng beteng ritual, people are not allowed or there is a prohibition on the night of first Suro to speak, as if they were meditating. This ritual is also known as

lah's permission.

Prophet Yunus AS boarded a ship that was sailing. However, in the middle of the sea, the ship encountered a terrible storm. The crew thought that the storm was brought about by someone who had brought Allah's wrath among them. They resolved to throw that person into the sea to stop the storm, and it turned out that pe

All Muslims ought to know the prayer recitations from beginning to end. Prayer is the pillar of religion that should not be left, especially the obligatory prayers. Obligatory prayers are

deceiving humans.

In a book titled "Collection of Religious Questions and Answers" by Pustaka Ilmu Sunni Salafiyah-KTB, having a khodam in Islam is acceptable as long as the practitioner obeys the Sharia discipline and In case you loved this information as well as you want to get more info concerning Community cohesion plan i implore you to pay a visit to our webpage. does not cause dharar or actions that damage oneself and others. Although this is certainly very di

the genie realm.

The definition of khodam is a human associate, which can be gained by a person through inheritance from forebears or from one's own self. The application of khodam is the human ability to interact with the s

e in their lives.

The Solo Culture and Tourism Office also explains that on the night of first Suro, society believe they must perform self-reflection or recall the mistakes they have made during the past year. The night of one Suro marks the change of the year, so it is hoped that on this new page, a person's character will transform f

076350100_1700135732-muslim-man-studying-quran_1_.jpgCharacter formation. Through this supplication, Muslims are taught to be humble and acknowledge their errors. Prophet Yunus's supplication affects one's generous character and nurtures a strong sense of humility in the

In this predicament, Prophet Yunus pleaded for forgiveness and turned in repentance to Allah SWT. This supplication of Prophet Yunus is well-known for the words "There is no god but You, Glory be to You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers". This supplication exhibits Prophet Yunus's deep remorse and submission. Allah SWT then responded to Prophet Yunus's prayer and freed him from the stomach of the

This supplication of Prophet Yunus is a sincere request for forgiveness and repentance to Allah. Prophet Yunus states that there is no god but Allah and He does not share His divinity with any of His creatures. Prophet Yunus also confesses his error as a wrongdoer. This prayer serves as an example for Muslims to always seek forgiveness from Allah and admit their f

The wisdom that can be derived from Prophet Yunus's supplication is the importance of sincere repentance and recognizing one's mistakes. Prophet Yunus offers an example that no sin is too great to be forgiven by Allah SWT, as long as you truly repent and return t