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Allaahu akbaru Kabiraa Walhamdulillaahi Katsiiraa, Wa Subhaanallaahi Bukratan Wa'ashiilaa, Innii Wajjahtu Wajhiya Lilladzii Fatharas Samaawaati Wal Ardha Haniifan Musliman Wamaa Anaa Minal Musyrikiin. Inna Shalaatii Wa Nusukii Wa Mahyaaya Wa Mamaatii Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalamiina. Laa Syariikalahu Wa Bidzaalika Umir

062137400_1676416680-masjid-pogung-dalangan-zcJIoMCFNwM-unsplash.jpgThe concept of khodam refers to something mystical apart from humans. Khodam is also known as a general representation of the relationship between humans and genies. To this day, khodam is still accept

021435300_1658997499-27301720_7293572.jpgatihah Recitation

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِاَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ الْعٰلَمِيْنَۙالرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِۙمٰلِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّيْنِۗاِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَاِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِيْنُۗاِهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيْمَ ۙصِرَاطَ الَّذِيْنَ اَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ ەۙ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوْبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا ا

y to See the Past

The next characteristic of someone having a khodam is the ability to see the past. The way to determine if someone has a khodam or not can indeed be seen from one's ability to see the past. It is explained that khodam is a being that has existed for a long time and cannot be destroyed, but can be passed down. Therefore, someone with a companion or ancestral khodam will certainly have th

Salat is an act of worship that must be performed 5 times a day. Carrying out prayer is an obligation set by Allah SWT in the Quran. It is important for every Muslim to fulfill this obligation as evidence of beli

for all Muslims.

In performing prayers, there are procedures that should be implemented by Muslims, namely intention, movements, and recitations. By reciting the prayer from beginning to end, the prayer is in accordance

rated by Muslim).

Citing NU Online Jabar, the basis for Tasu'a fasting is based on a hadith narrated from Ibn Abbas ra with marfu' status. Tasu'a fasting is a distinction from the fasting of the Jews. The

Prayer Recitation

للهُ اَكْبَرُ كَبِرًا وَالْحَمْدُ لِلهِ كَشِيْرًا وَسُبْحَانَ اللهِ بُكْرَةً وَاَصِيْلًا . اِنِّى وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِيْ فَطَرَالسَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْااَرْضَ حَنِيْفًا مُسْلِمًا وَمَا اَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِيْنَ . اِنَّ صَلَاتِيْ وَنُسُكِيْ وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِيْ لِلهِ رَبِّ الْعَا لَمِيْنَ . لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَبِذَ لِكَ اُمِرْتُ وَاَنَ مِنَ ال


Arabic Transliteration: Bismillahir rahmaa nirrahiim. Alhamdu lilla hi rabbil 'alamin. Ar rahmaanirrahiim. Maaliki yaumiddiin. Iyyaaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta'iin. Ihdinash shirraatal musthaqiim. Shiraathal ladziina an'amta 'alaihim ghairil maghduubi

itual Sensitivity

High spiritual sensitivity is also one of the features of people who have khodam. So, the way to know if someone has a khodam or not is to look at their spiritual sensitivity. Those with khodam have high spiritual sensitivity. For example, their ability to see things that are not

het Muhammad SAW.

"From Abdullah Ibn Abbas ra said: "When the Prophet Muhammad saw fasted on the day of Ashura and ordered the companions to fast as well, they asked: "O Messenger of Allah, Ashura is a day that is glorified by the Jews and Christians." Then the Prophet Muhammad saw said: "If so, Insha Allah next year we will also fast on the ninth day. Abdullah Ibn Abbas continued his story: "But before the next year came, the Prophet Muhammad saw had passed away." [Narrated by Mu


Arabic Transliteration: Allaahu akbar kabiiraw walhamdu lillaahi katsiira wa subhaanallaahi bukrataw wa'ashiila. Wajjahtu wajhiya lilladzii fataras samawaati wal ardha, haniifam muslimaw wamaa anaa minal musyrikiin. Inna shalaatii wa nusukii wa mahyaaya wa mamaatii lillaahi rabbil aalamiin. laa syariikalahu wa bidzaalika umirt

ose who bow down.

The sequence of prayer duas is crucial for a Muslim to know to ensure the validity of the prayer. In Islamic teachings, prayer is the pillar of religion that needs to be preserved to remain strong. In addition to the order of prayer duas, it is also essential to kno

Worshippers pray during Friday prayer at Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Friday (11/2/2022). Amid the surge in Covid-19 cases in DKI, Istiqlal Mosque restricts the number of worshippers to a maximum of 50 percent and the operational hours for visitors t


One thing that Muslim immigrants in the US, including those from Indonesia, miss is the sound of the adhan from mosques, reminding them of prayer times and breaking the fast during Ramadan. But in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the sound of the adhan can now be heard, thanks to local governm

If you loved this article so you would like to be given more info regarding Hadith authenticity debate kindly visit our web site.064790800_1620619406-muslim-men-praying-tashahhud-posture.jpg

Anyone in the world

واه مسلم)

Meaning: "Narrated from Abu Qatadah ra: indeed the Prophet Muhammad saw was once asked about the virtue of fasting on the day of Ashura, then he answered: 'Ashura fasting erases the sins of the past yea

After understanding the meaning of la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin and its interpretation, you definitely need to know the story of Prophet Yunus AS. Prophet Yunus AS was a prophet dispatched by Allah SWT to his people, who were from a city in the Mesopotamian region (now part of Iraq). Prophet Yunus AS was tasked with the mission by Allah to convey warnings and advice to his people so that they would turn away from their evil deeds

nk While Standing

A hadith says, "None of you should drink while standing, if he forgets, then he should vomit." Drinking while standing can disturb the balance of fluids in the body and impair the digestive system. Carrying out drinking milk on 1 Muharram while sitting, following this recommendation, is part of the etiquette of drinking as instructe

It is recommended for Muslims to multiply good deeds in the month of Muharram. Why? Because Muharram is one of the sacred months that Allah honors. Good deeds performed in the sacred months w

su mubeng beteng.

On the night of 1 Suro, some people choose to retreat to meditate in sacred places such as mountain peaks, seashores, large trees, or sacred tombs. For Javanese people, the month of Suro as the beginning of the Javanese year is considered a sacred or holy month, this is the significance of the night of 1 Suro. This is the right month to perform practices such as reflection, contemplation, and introspection to g

n Moreover, for those who perform Dhuha prayer, Allah SWT will build a beautiful house made of gold in their honor in paradise. Some also mention that any Muslim, male or female, who carries out this prayer will obtain rewards like doing Umra

It's important to be aware of the roots of drinking milk on 1 Muharram so as to understand its importance and merits. This habit comes from a great scholar of Makkah, Abuya As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawy Al Maliki, who often distributed milk to his pupils every 1 Muharram. This suggestion is called a form of Tafa"ul o


Meaning: "The day of Ashura was a day that was glorified by the Jews and made by them as a holiday, so the Prophet Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wassalam said, 'Fast all of you on that day'." (Narrated by Bukhari, N

This article discusses the dalil for Tasu'a and Muharram fasting, considering there are still those who doubt the sunnah status of these two fasts. Some think that Tasu'a and A

n Referring to a hadith narrated by Hakim and Thabrani, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "O son of Adam, do not be lazy in performing four rakaat at the beginning of the day (Dhuha prayer), surely I will meet your needs at the end of the day

Since the palace wanted to introduce the Islamic calendar, the night of 1 Suro became the right moment for Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo, who wanted to unite the santri and abangan groups. Every Friday Legi, local government reports were conducted while religious teachings were presented by the district religious leaders, along with pilgrimages and commemorations to the tombs of Ngampel and Giri. This is what made the night

e Night of 1 Suro

A practice on the night of 1 Suro is performing siraman. This is a ritual of taking a grand bath using water mixed with setaman flowers. Siraman is the same as a form of "sembah raga" (sharia) with the aim of purifying the body, as a ceremonial event marking the beginning of asceticism thr

n اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنْ كَانَ رِزْقِى فِى السَّمَآءِ فَأَنْزِلْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ فِى اْلاَرْضِ فَأَخْرِجْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ مُعَسَّرًا فَيَسِّرْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ حَرَامًا فَطَهِّرْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ بَعِيْدًا فَقَرِّبْهُ بِحَقِّ ضُحَاءِكَ وَبَهَاءِكَ وَجَمَالِكَ وَقُوَّتِكَ وَقُدْرَتِكَ آتِنِىْ مَآاَتَيْتَ عِبَادَكَ الصَّالِحِيْن

ulungan or help).

It can also be 11 times (11 in Javanese; sewelas, is a prayer for God to provide kawelasan; mercy). Or 17 times (17 in Javanese; pitulas; so that God provides pitulungan and kawelasan). Bathing is better done not under the roof of the house; directly "under the sky"; the point is to directly unite the soul and body into the harmoni

ths When Drinking

Prophet Muhammad SAW took three breaths when drinking, not drinking the drink in one gulp, but interspersing it by taking breaths. This is done to keep the glass away from the mouth when breathing to avoid releasing carbon dioxide into the drinking water. Adhering to this method when drinking milk on 1 Muharram assists in maintaining health and observing the etiquette of drinking as instructe

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Anyone in the world

n According to a hadith narrated by Hakim and Thabrani, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "O son of Adam, never be lazy in doing four rakaat at the beginning of the day (Dhuha prayer), surely I will meet your needs at the end of the day


[The translation continues in this manner for the rest of the text, maintaining the original structure and formatting, translating the Indonesian text to English, and using spintax where appropriate. Arabic text and transliterations ar

Dhuha prayer.

اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنَّ الضَّحَآءَ ضَحَاءُكَ، وَالْبَهَاءَ بَهَاءُكَ، وَالْجَمَالَ جَمَــالُكَ، وَالْقُوَّةَ قُوَّتُكَ، وَالْقُدْرَةَ قُدْرَتُكَ، وَالْعِصْمَةَ عِصْمَتُكَ. اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنْ كَانَ رِزْقِيْ فِي السَّمَآءِ فَأَنْزِلْهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَأَخْرِجْهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ مُعْسَرًا فَيَسِّرْهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ حَرَامًا فَطَهِّرْهُ، وَإِنْ كَانَ بَعِيْدًا فَقَرِّبْهُ، بِحَقِّ ضَحَاءِكَ وَبَهَاءِكَ وَجَمَالِكَ وَقُوَّتِكَ وَقُدْرَتِكَ آتِنِيْ مَآ أَتَيْتَ عِبَادَكَ ا

the sun's heat."

"So, the young camel is sunbathing. So, when it starts to feel warm around 9 o'clock. That's the better time for Dhuha prayer. It is said to be when the sun rises about a quarter of the day, approximately 3 hours from sunri

Actually, there is another form of rukhsah or concession in prayer besides jamak, namely qasar. Qasar prayer means shortening. The rukhsah of qasar prayer is shortening 4 rak'ahs to 2 rak'ahs. For example, Dhuhr prayer is performed in 2 rak'ahs, as wel

i wa sallam.

Meaning: "O Allah, protect our faces with wealth, and do not humiliate us with poverty so that we have to seek sustenance from those who seek Your sustenance, and ask for mercy from Your evil-minded creatures and be busy praising those who give to us and be tempted to criticize those who do not give to us. Yet You, behind all that, are the One who has the authori

to the sea.

The benefit of la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin is that it is a prayer and remembrance that allows a person to face their life problems more easily. Whether it's to lift all difficulties in their life or to be fortified in facing life's difficulties. Allah assures this for anyone who earnestly pleads for it. So, how can one practice la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzo


US Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr on Friday, April 21. In New York City, besides doing Eid prayers in local mosques, some Muslims performed prayers in a public park, Washington Square Park. Full report f

La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin is a utterance of dhikr and supplication that was read by Prophet Yunus. He was a prophet from the Abrahamic religion known for reciting the dhikr la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadzolimin repeatedly to ask for help from Allah SWT (his Lord) to remove

There are several virtues that will be acquired when a Muslim passes away in a state of husnul khotimah. When you end your life in a good state or in a state of perfect Islam, it becomes evidence of piety to Allah SWT. As Allah SWT's word which is often delivered by the kha

n اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنْ كَانَ رِزْقِى فِى السَّمَآءِ فَأَنْزِلْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ فِى اْلاَرْضِ فَأَخْرِجْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ مُعَسَّرًا فَيَسِّرْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ حَرَامًا فَطَهِّرْهُ وَاِنْ كَانَ بَعِيْدًا فَقَرِّبْهُ بِحَقِّ ضُحَاءِكَ وَبَهَاءِكَ وَجَمَالِكَ وَقُوَّتِكَ وَقُدْرَتِكَ آتِنِىْ مَآاَتَيْتَ عِبَادَكَ الصَّالِحِيْن

of what you do."

The way for a Muslim to die in a state of husnul khotimah according to Imam Sufyan Al-Tsauri is To begin with, keeping faith and devotion consistently to Allah SWT. Secondly, making efforts sincerely to improve outwardly and inwardly. Third, Always invoking to Allah to be called back in a state of faith. Fourth, always mentioning

o make a mistake.

The meaning of khusnul khotimah is often presumed to be dying in a good state. Yet, this is not accurate. The meaning of khusnul khotimah is a dishonorable end. This meaning of khusnul khotimah is extremely different from husnul khotimah, which ought to be

n Moreover, for those who perform Dhuha prayer, Allah SWT will build a beautiful house made of gold in their honor in paradise. Some also mention that any Muslim, male or female, who carries out this prayer will receive rewards like performing Umra

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Anyone in the world

ving Charity

Another important act to perform on the night of 1 Suro is giving charity. Providing charity to those in need, whether in the form of money, food, or If you cherished this short article and you would like to acquire far more info regarding Al-Shaikh's spiritual guidance kindly take a look at our internet site. goods, is a recommended practice. This is a form of gratitude and sharing happiness. Of course, this practice is not only done on the night of 1 Suro,

owards the west).

Meanwhile, the charismatic scholar KH Yahya Zainul Ma'arif, also known as Buya Yahya, explains that the time for Dhuha prayer is after the sun has risen high until just before it is directly overhead. As long as the sun is not directly above one's head, it is still wit


US Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr on Friday, April 21. In New York City, besides doing Eid prayers in local mosques, some Muslims conducted prayers in a public park, Washington Square Park. Full report f


Meaning: "O Allah, indeed this dhuha is Your dhuha, this grandeur is Your grandeur, this beauty is Your beauty, this strength is Your strength, and this protection is Your protection. O Allah, if my sustenance is in the sky, then bring it down; if it is in the earth, then bring it forth; if it is difficult, then make it easy; if it is (unintentionally mixed with what is) forbidden, then purify it; if it is far, then bring it near; by the right of Your dhuha, Your elegance, Your beauty, Your strength, and Your power, bring to me what You have brought to


Allaahu akbaru Kabiraa Walhamdulillaahi Katsiiraa, Wa Subhaanallaahi Bukratan Wa'ashiilaa, Innii Wajjahtu Wajhiya Lilladzii Fatharas Samaawaati Wal Ardha Haniifan Musliman Wamaa Anaa Minal Musyrikiin. Inna Shalaatii Wa Nusukii Wa Mahyaaya Wa Mamaatii Lillaahi Rabbil 'Aalamiina. Laa Syariikalahu Wa Bidzaalika Umir

mple to memorize:

الّلهُمَّ إِنِّى أَسْأَلُكَ بِحَقِّ سُوْرَةِ الْوَاقِعَةِ وَأَسْرَارِهَا أنْ تُيَسِّرَلِيْ رِزْقِي كَمَا يَسَّرْتَهُ لِكَثِيْرٍ مِن خَلْقِكَ يَا ألله يَا رَبَّ ا

Prophet Yunus's patience and obedience in executing Allah's commands can also serve as a example for Muslims in facing life's trials and performing the tasks we carry. Prophet Yunus's prayer serves as a reminder for Muslims that nothing is more important than seeking protection with Allah SWT and maintaining our connection wit

Worshippers pray during Friday prayer at Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Friday (11/2/2022). Amid the surge in Covid-19 cases in DKI, Istiqlal Mosque restricts the number of worshippers to a maximum of 50 percent and the operational hours for visitors t

will be obtained.

In addition to the right-hand group mentioned in this Surah Al Waqiah, there is also a discussion about the ash khabus syimal group or the left-hand group. The left-hand group refers to those who, during their lifetime, persistently committed major sins and lived in luxury. This group is the group that will be

r, or vice versa.

Jamak is one form of rukhsah or concession in performing an act of worship in Islam. For example, when we begin a train journey before Dhuhr, and only reach our destination after Asr, we are allowed to do

In conclusion, Prophet Yunus's supplication contains extremely significant and relevant wisdom in a Muslim's life. Through this prayer, Muslims can understand about the importance of patience, acknowledging faults, asking for forgiveness from Allah, and practicing submission to Him. May you take wisdom from Prophet Yunus's story and implement it in your daily

het Muhammad SAW.

This is stressed in the interpretation of Ibn Kathir, the maidens of paradise described as the meaning of Surah al-Waqiah are those who died in old age, later when entering paradise by the will of Allah SWT will turn into young, beautiful, and attrac

can practice

اَللّٰهُمَّ مَا عَمِلْتُ مِنْ عَمَلٍ فِي هٰذِهِ السَّنَةِ مَا نَهَيْتَنِي عَنْهُ وَلَمْ أَتُبْ مِنْهُ وَحَلُمْتَ فِيْها عَلَيَّ بِفَضْلِكَ بَعْدَ قُدْرَتِكَ عَلَى عُقُوْبَتِيْ وَدَعَوْتَنِيْ إِلَى التَّوْبَةِ مِنْ بَعْدِ جَرَاءَتِيْ عَلَى مَعْصِيَتِكَ فَإِنِّي اسْتَغْفَرْتُكَ فَاغْفِرْلِيْ وَمَا عَمِلْتُ فِيْهَا مِمَّا تَرْضَى وَوَعَدْتَّنِي عَلَيْهِ الثَّوَابَ فَأَسْئَلُكَ أَنْ تَتَقَبَّلَ مِنِّيْ وَلَا تَقْطَعْ رَجَائِيْ مِنْك

064790800_1620619406-muslim-men-praying-tashahhud-posture.jpgthe later prayer.

It's important to understand that not every prayer can be combined, only Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers can be combined. Even then, the combination of two prayers in one time can only be done with the provision of Dhuhr and Asr or Maghrib and Isha. In other words, you can't

Anyone in the world


Allâhumma antal abadiyyul qadîmul awwal. Wa 'alâ fadhlikal 'azhîmi wa karîmi jûdikal mu'awwal. Hâdzâ 'âmun jadîdun qad aqbal. As'alukal 'ishmata fîhi minas syaithâni wa auliyâ'ih, wal 'auna 'alâ hâdzihin nafsil ammârati bis sû'I, wal isytighâla bimâ yuqarribunî ilaika zulfâ, y

041627800_1678258524-pexels-michael-burrows-7129526.jpgAllah the Exalted

The recitations of prayer intentions mentioned are for performing prayer individually. For congregational prayer intentions, there is an addition after the Adaa-an recitation. Add the recitation makmuman مَأْمُوْمًا when being a follower. Add the recitation imaman إ

The word syafakallah also means "may Allah grant you healing." The difference from syafakillah is that syafakallah is aimed at men. There is another prayer that uses the word "Syafakallah," which is "Syafakallah syifaan ajilan, syifaan la yughadiru ba'dahu saqaman," which means "May Allah heal you quickly, with a healing that leaves no illness afterw

e recitation:

اَللّٰهُمَّ مَا عَمِلْتُ مِنْ عَمَلٍ فِي هٰذِهِ السَّنَةِ مَا نَهَيْتَنِي عَنْهُ وَلَمْ أَتُبْ مِنْهُ وَحَلُمْتَ فِيْها عَلَيَّ بِفَضْلِكَ بَعْدَ قُدْرَتِكَ عَلَى عُقُوْبَتِيْ وَدَعَوْتَنِيْ إِلَى التَّوْبَةِ مِنْ بَعْدِ جَرَاءَتِيْ عَلَى مَعْصِيَتِكَ فَإِنِّي اسْتَغْفَرْتُكَ فَاغْفِرْلِيْ وَمَا عَمِلْتُ فِيْهَا مِمَّا تَرْضَى وَوَعَدْتَّنِي عَلَيْهِ الثَّوَابَ فَأَسْئَلُكَ أَنْ تَتَقَبَّلَ مِنِّيْ وَلَا تَقْطَعْ رَجَائِيْ مِنْك

For example, if someone is working out of town and hears that their father has fallen ill, they can use the word "syafahullah" through their mother or another intermediary as a prayer or hope to Allah for their father's rec

After reciting the prayer intention, proceed by raising both hands and reciting اللّٰهُ أَكْبَر (Allāhu Akbar). Then place the hands over the chest and continue with reciting


US Muslims observe Eid al-Fitr on Friday, April 21. In New York City, besides performing Eid prayers in local mosques, some Muslims performed prayers in a public park, Washington Square Park. Full report f

Maghrib prayers.

The rukhsah in the form of qasar can even be used together with qasar. In other words, we can perform two prayers at one prayer time, by shortening the number of rak'ahs. For example, we can do jamak qasar prayer for Dhuhr and Asr by performing Dhuhr prayer in 2 rak'ahs, then followed b

"Allahumma rabbana lakal hamdu. Anta qayyimus samawati wal ardhi wa man fii hinna. Wa lakal hamdu anta malikus samawati wal ardhi wa man fii hinna. Wa lakal hamdu anta nurus samawati wal ardhi wa man fii hinna. Wa lakal hamdu antal haqq. Wa wa'dukal haqq. Wa liqa'uka haqq. Wa qauluka haqq. Wal jannatu haqq. Wan naru haqq. Wan nabiyyuna haqq. Wa Muhammadun shallallahu alaihi wasallama haqq. Was sa'atu

e new Hijri year.

Quoting from the NU Online page, If you beloved this article and you would like to obtain more info concerning Genetic footprints of giants generously visit our own web-site. here are the recitations of the prayer for the beginning of the year and the prayer for the end of the new Hijri year, complete with Latin transl

for Allah Ta'ala.

In jamak takhir prayer, there is no obligation or provision on which prayer should be done first. Because in jamak takhir, the prayer is not required to be performed in order as required in jamak taqdim, so a person who does jamak takhir prayer is free to choose between doing the first prayer first o

Kashmiri Muslims praying during the month of Ramadan at a holy site in Srinagar, Indian-controlled Kashmir, May 7, 2019. Currently, Muslims around the world are observing worship during the month of Ramadan by refraining from hunger, thirst, and desires from dawn

wal ikrâm.

Meaning: "My Lord, You are the Eternal, the Ancient, and the First. Upon Your great favor and Your noble generosity, You become the door of hope. This new year has arrived. I seek refuge in You from the temptation of Satan and his allies this year. I also hope for Your help in overcoming the self that often urges me to do evil. To You, I ask for guidance so that daily activities bring me closer to Your mercy. O Lord, Ow

098338000_1661229607-istockphoto-Zikir.jpging supplication.

اللهُ اَكْبَرُ كَبِرًا وَالْحَمْدُ لِلهِ كَشِيْرًا وَسُبْحَانَ اللهِ بُكْرَةً وَاَصِيْلًا . اِنِّى وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِيْ فَطَرَالسَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْااَرْضَ حَنِيْفًا مُسْلِمًا وَمَا اَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِيْنَ . اِنَّ صَلَاتِيْ وَنُسُكِيْ وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِيْ لِلهِ رَبِّ الْعَا لَمِيْنَ . لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَبِذَ لِكَ اُمِرْتُ وَاَنَ مِنَ ال

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025181600_1567320344-20190831-Kirab-Laku-Bisu-Pura-Mangkunegaran--5.jpgIf we want to perform jamak takhir Maghrib Isha prayers, it is certainly important for us to recite the intention for jamak takhir Maghrib Isha. In addition to distinguishing these prayers from other prayers, intention is also one of the pillars of prayer. Without intention, the prayer will not be valid.

kantil, kenanga.

Each flower has a meaning of great prayers to God that are implied in it. Flowers are also scattered on the graves of ancestors, so that there is a difference between the grave of someone we respect and honor, and the grave of a cat which is just a mound of meaningless soil and never sprinkled with flowers, immediately forgotten by its owner

owards the west).

Meanwhile, the charismatic scholar KH Yahya Zainul Ma'arif, also known as Buya Yahya, explains that the time for Dhuha prayer is after the sun is well above the horizon until just before it reaches directly overhead. As long as the sun is not directly above one's head, it is still wit


The meaning of Fa Inna Ma'al Usri Yusra itself is "Indeed, with hardship comes ease." This phrase is very good for encouraging oneself or others in confronting challenges or When you have just about any issues regarding where and the way to work with Aussie Muslim network, you can contact us at our own page. problems, because truly behind every challen

Performing obligatory prayers in jamak takhir is one form of rukhsah or leniency in performing an act of worship in Islam. For example, when on a journey after Asr, and only arriving at the destination at Isha time, we are allowed to perform jamak takhir for Maghrib and Isha prayers.

043485600_1696233711-imad-alassiry-o9okmKW4MMI-unsplash.jpgAnother alternative to respond to the prayer "Syafakallah" is by saying "Syukron," which means "thank you." However, to give a more complete response and acknowledge the prayer that has been communicated, it is recommended to add the word "Aamiin" or "Jazakallahu Khairan" in front of it. This will show appreciation and hope that the prayer will be received by Alla

In addition to being combined (jamak), Maghrib and Isha prayers can also be performed by jamak and qasar. Jamak takhir prayer itself is a form of leniency in performing worship in Islam by combining a prayer whose time has passed with a prayer whose time has entered.


Meaning: "O Allah, indeed this dhuha is Your dhuha, this grandeur is Your grandeur, this beauty is Your beauty, this strength is Your strength, and this protection is Your protection. O Allah, if my sustenance is in the sky, then bring it down; if it is in the earth, then bring it forth; if it is difficult, then make it easy; if it is (unintentionally mixed with what is) forbidden, then purify it; if it is far, then bring it near; by the right of Your dhuha, Your elegance, Your beauty, Your strength, and Your power, bring to me what You have brought to

Besides understanding when to do tahajjud prayer, you also need to know how many rak'ahs to perform. How many rak'ahs for tahajjud prayer? The answer is that it's not limited. Tahajjud prayer is performed in sets of 2 rak'ahs with an unlimited number. According to the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, Rasulullah SAW never performed tahajjud prayer more than 11 or 13 rak'ahs (including witr). So, how many rak'ahs for tahajjud prayer can be answered with 8 or 10 ra

052935000_1671504412-imad-alassiry-2cZFJT51Ug4-unsplash.jpgSurah Al-Insyirah is the 94th surah in the Quran that was sent down in the city of Makkah. This surah comprises 8 verses and has the meaning of "expansion." The Asbabun Nuzul, or the background of the revelation of this surah, is related to the difficult trials faced by Prophet Muhammad SAW while

أُصَلِّيْ فَرْضَ الْعِشَاءِ رَكَعَتَيْنِ مُسْتَقْبِلَ الْقِبْلَةِ مَجْمُوْعًا بِالْمَغْرِبِ جَمْعَ تَأْخِيْرٍ قَصْرَا للهِ تَعَالَى

Intention is important in various forms of worship in Islam. Because intention is what distinguishes whether an act has worship value or not. Intention also distinguishes one type of worship from another.

he month of Suro.

Like being stricter in maintaining and purifying the heart, mind, and guarding the five senses from negative things. When performing this practice on the night of 1 Suro, one must pray for safety to God to be protected from disaste

To respond to a prayer for healing from others, you can also say "Jazakallahu Khairan" if the expression comes from a man. This means "May Allah reward you with goodness." If the expression comes from a woman, you can use the feminine version, which is "Jazakillahu Khairan." If the expression is intended to many people at once, then you can use "Jazakumullahu Kha

Buya Yahya cites a hadith from Sayyidina Zaid bin Arqam radliyallahu 'anh that he once saw a group of people performing the Dhuha prayer. Then he said, "Don't you know that prayer at this time is more meritorious? Indeed, the Messenger of Allah SAW said, the prayer of the awwâbîn (Dhuha prayer) is when the feet of young camels feel the heat of the ear029349200_1648524463-masjid-maba-QhzQfD0ihnI-unsplash_1_.jpg

Anyone in the world

l muslimiin.

Meaning: "Allah is the Greatest, His greatness is perfect. All praise belongs to Allah, praise that is abundant. And glory be to Allah in the morning and evening. I have turned my face to the One who created the heavens and the earth, with full sincerity and submission, and I am not among those who associate partners with Allah. Indeed, my prayer, my worship, my life, and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of all worlds. He has no partner, and with that I am commanded, an

087487500_1711549746-Gus_Baha...ok.jpgd spotless heart.

Cited from Nahdlatul Ulama's Aula Magazine July 2023 Edition, this tradition has long and is carried out as a form of tafa'ul or wishing for good fortune. During the day, they also eat foods that have symbolic meanings such as almond tea and honey to receive

Based on the announcement from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, 1 Muharram 1446 coincides with Sunday, July 7, 2024. So, on Saturday night, July 6, 2024, we will already be entering the nigh

in fasting month.

"The most virtuous prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer in the last third of the night, and the most virtuous fast after the fast of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Muhar

usness and grace.

KH Abdul Hamid also stresses the health merits of milk, especially for children's growth and development. According to him, milk has been referenced in the Quran and hadith as a drink full of grace. During the Isra' Mi'raj event, Prophet Muhammad saw selected milk when Angel Gabrie

from Allah.

5. Long Istighfar: Astaghfirullah hal"adzim, aladzi laailaha illahuwal khayyul qoyyuumu wa atuubu ilaiih. Meaning: "I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, besides whom there is no God, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting, and I turn to

085622900_1586415856-photo-of-a-person-kneeling-in-front-of-book-2608353__1_.jpgu haq.

Allâhumma laka aslamtu. Wa bika âmantu. Wa alaika tawakkaltu. Wa ilaika anabtu. Wa bika khâshamtu. Wa ilaika hâkamtu. Fagfirlî mâ qaddamtu, wa mâ akhkhartu, wa mâ asrartu, wa mâ a'lantu, wa mâ anta a'lamu bihi minnî. Antal muqaddimu wa antal mu'akhkhiru. Lâ ilâha illâ anta. Wa lâ haula, wa lâ qu

Year Prayer

After reciting the end of year prayer, Muslims are encouraged to recite the beginning of year prayer on the night of 1 Suro or 1 Muharram. This prayer should preferably be read after maghrib time,

its own benefits.

"It's possible that the Prophet saw was only told about the virtue of Muharram outweighing Shaban in the last stages of his life, or perhaps the Prophet saw already knew about it but didn't have the chance to enhance fasting in the month of Muharram due to various obstacles, such as illness, travel, and the lik


Allahumma ma "amiltu min 'amalin fî hadzihi sanati ma nahaitani 'anhu, wa lam atub minhu, wa hamalta fîhâ 'alayya bi fadhlika ba'da qudratika 'alâ 'uqûbatî, wa da'autanî ilat taubati min ba'di jarâ'atî 'alâ ma'shiyatik. Fa innî astaghfiruka, faghfirlî wa mâ 'amiltu fîhâ mimmâ tardhâ, wa wa'attanî 'alaihits tsawâba, fa'as'aluka an tataqabbala minnî wa lâ taqtha'

There are various dates in the month of Muharram that are recommended for practicing voluntary fasting with numerous virtues. Should you loved this post as well as you desire to obtain more info about Quranic research collaboration kindly check out the web page. So, is it acceptable to perform voluntary fasting on the 1st of Muhar

ths When Drinking

Prophet Muhammad SAW took three breaths when drinking, not consuming the drink in one gulp, but spacing it by taking breaths. This is done to keep the glass away from the mouth when breathing to avoid expelling carbon dioxide into the drinking water. Observing this method when drinking milk on 1 Muharram aids in preserving health and adhering to the etiquette of drinking as instructe

It's important to understand the beginnings of drinking milk on 1 Muharram so as to grasp its meaning and merits. This custom stems from a renowned scholar of Makkah, Abuya As-Sayyid Muhammad bin Alawy Al Maliki, who frequently gave out milk to his students every 1 Muharram. This recommendation is described as a form of Tafa"ul or e


One thing that Muslim immigrants in the US, including those from Indonesia, miss is the sound of the adhan from mosques, reminding them of prayer times and breaking the fast during Ramadan. But in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the sound of the adhan can now be heard, thanks to local governm

ities, accidents.

The prayer focuses on asking for safety for oneself and family, as well as relatives and friends. For example, pouring water on the body from the top of the head to the entire body 7 times (7 in Javanese; pitu, is a prayer for God to pr

052935000_1671504412-imad-alassiry-2cZFJT51Ug4-unsplash.jpgsu mubeng beteng.

On the night of 1 Suro, some people choose to seclude themselves to meditate in sacred places such as mountain peaks, seashores, large trees, or sacred tombs. For Javanese people, the month of Suro as the beginning of the Javanese year is considered a sacred or holy month, this is the significance of the night of 1 Suro. This is the right month to perform practices such as reflection, contemplation, and introspection to g085381500_1671090332-pexels-alena-darmel-8164382.jpg

by Madeleine McLaurin - Sunday, 15 September 2024, 1:45 AM
Anyone in the world

The webpage features hundreds of his own wildflower photos, plus weed ecology articles, sustainable building resources, and news of his current passion: the development of 3Rivers Park to expand recreational opportunities along the entire length of the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin rivers. Control: טלגראס סוחרים ראשון לציון (טלגראס-ראשון-לציון) Use a pre-emergent weed preventer to stop seeds from sprouting, pull crabgrass by hand, or spot-treat with a nonselective herbicide if growing in sidewalk cracks or other places where nothing else is growing. Could workplace drug use be affecting your employee performance? In fact, modern farmers are just as likely to use GPSs to track crop production as they are to consult the Old Farmer's Almanac for advice. There are annuals that evoke different styles and historical eras, used in theme gardens. He knows that Lord has everything about him in remembrance, and there is an awesome beauty to that alone and he asks that the Lord remember him according to his tender mercies and loving kindness for him that have been of old and have always existed for him in the mind of the Lord. The only thing I don't respect is people with closed minds who have their heads up their asses and think they are above everyone else.

People tend to group mice and rats together, but these animals are distinct members of the rodent family. There are a couple essentials every homeowner's garage should have. Unfortunately, there is no cure-all to permanently remove weeds from your property. However, pesky weeds can quickly turn that dream into a nightmare. Perhaps you envision clusters of white, cylindrical modules under the harsh Martian sun, or maybe you dream of forest-filled domes floating high above the Venusian atmosphere. So how and טלגראס כיוונים מרכז when you get the munchies - and how long they last for you - may follow a different pattern than described above. They emerge above ground in March or April. David, Leonard (12 March 2005). "Spirit Gets A Dust Devil Once-Over". 2005). "Cassini Imaging Science: Initial Results on Saturn's Atmosphere". Donald K. Yeomans (2005). "World Book at NASA: Comets". Weather Online (2009). "Sirocco (Scirocco)". Weather Online (2009). "Calima". Bill Giles (O.B.E) (2009). "The Khamsin".

Wilson, Richard A.; Talbot, Nicholas J. (2009). "Under pressure: investigating the biology of plant infection by Magnaporthe oryzae". Hans Dieter Betz; Ulrich Schumann; Pierre Laroche (2009). Lightning: Principles, Instruments and Applications. Michael A. Arnold (2009). "Coccoloba uvifera" (PDF). The more we control the weeds, the better your lawn will look and feel. Whether you need a one-time service or an annual pest control plan, our local experts will provide the ultimate solution for pest-free living. ARS Studies Effect of Wind Sandblasting on Cotton Plants / January 26, 2010 / News from the USDA Agricultural Research Service. The decision recognizes that before these organisms are considered for release into the environment, more research and analysis are needed, and the UN should develop specific guidance to evaluate potential impacts on biodiversity and communities. Elm trees are widespread throughout the United States. In return for such an extraordinary matchmaking fee, wealthy male singles are settling for no less than beautiful woman with a physique to match.

If the wallpaper or walls in your home are stained from the silverfish, you can hire a painter to add a new coat of paint for $40 to $60 per hour. For small sites, the reason that advertising does not work is because you have to hire a sales staff to sell advertising. Coconuts have a lot of different definitions. The test relies on self-reporting, which opens up a lot of potential for bias. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Hurricane Center (2006-06-22). "Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale Information". A consultation visit will usually cost between $75 and $125, and this cost may be waived if a customer chooses to follow the suggested treatment plan. It’s crucial for the customer to take the time to be comfortable with the professional, even if it means taking a little extra time to investigate. Also, ectoparasites such as fleas and mites often leave dead rat carcasses and may infest the entire house if the carcass is not removed promptly. For small infestations, residents may be able to handle extermination themselves, but larger infestations or pests can cause structural damage or serious health concerns that warrant professional treatment.

Anyone in the world

Perhaps the parking strip in front of your own house is full of weeds. Corn Gluten (found in products such as Concern Weed Prevention Plus) is a natural substance produced by corn that prevents surrounding weeds from growing. The seaweed has been found in several harbors in southern California. Wakame is now found around much of New Zealand, from Stewart Island to as far north as the subtropical waters of Karikari Peninsula. AND SO MUCH MORE! But it requires making a more conscious effort, and in practice I rarely think to message my co-workers out of the blue. However, often carp will sit suspended in the mid to upper layers of the water where it’s more comfortable for them. Anyone who has ever tried to remove an oil spot from a driveway or garage floor knows that it's a good idea to figure out where an auto leak is coming from and what it is before it gets out of control.

In May 2009 it was discovered in San Francisco Bay and aggressive efforts are underway to remove it before it spreads. Bay leaf: The dried whole leaves of this herb add tang to stews and meat dishes, but make certain that you remove the bay leaf before serving. To use vinegar as a natural weed killer, fill a spray bottle with undiluted white vinegar and directly spray it onto the leaves of the unwanted plants. Undaria is commonly initially introduced or recorded on artificial structures, where its r-selected growth strategy facilitates proliferation and spread to natural reef sites. Removing the plants underwater without disrupting native flora is accomplished by humans diving underwater, manually removing the reproductive parts of the wakame to reduce its spread. Its capability to grow in dense congregations on any hard surface allows it to outcompete native flora and fauna for sunlight and space. Its dense congregation and טלגראס הזמנה ( capability to latch onto any hard surface has caused it to become a major cause of damage to aquaculture apparatus, decreasing efficiency of fishing industries by clogging underwater equipment and fouling boat hulls. According to humorism, imbalances in these fluids caused diseases and other health problems. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Food and Nutrition Board; Committee to Review the Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium (2019). Oria, Maria; Harrison, Meghan; Stallings, Virginia A. (eds.).

The National Academies Collection: Reports funded by National Institutes of Health. Washington, DC: National Academies Press (US). American Presbyterian Mission Press. Wellington, New Zealand: Te Papa Press. In 2012, the government allowed for the farming of wakame in Wellington, Marlborough and Banks Peninsula. The Canadian province of Alberta is notable for being the largest inhabited area on Earth which is free of true rats due to very aggressive government rat control policies. Eradication of wakame within a localized area often involves getting rid of the plants underwater, often via regular inspection of aquatic environments. Proper and regular cleaning of underwater apparatus reduces the potential vectors for wakame spores, reducing the spread of the plant. In 2010, a single Undaria pinnatifida plant was discovered in Fiordland, which has since quickly spread from a small clump and localized itself throughout Fiordland. James K, Shears NT (2016) Proliferation of the invasive kelp Undaria pinnatifida at aquaculture sites promotes spread to coastal reefs. In New Zealand, Undaria pinnatifida was declared as an unwanted organism in 2000 under the Biosecurity Act 1993. It was first discovered in Wellington Harbour in 1987 and probably arrived as hull fouling on shipping or fishing vessels from Asia.

It is also traditionally eaten on birthdays for this reason, a reminder of the first food that the mother has eaten and passed on to her newborn through her milk. Undaria populations make a significant but inconsistent contribution of food and habitat to intertidal and subtidal reefs. Hillewaert, Hans. "Wakame - Undaria pinnatifida". James K, Middleton I, Middleton C, Shears NT (2014) Discovery of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar, 1873 in northern New Zealand indicates increased invasion threat in subtropical regions. Jo, Gayeon (2014). "Seaweed of Chujado Island". In addition, the amount of land כיוונים טלגראס יקנעם;, devoted to soybean production is much greater than the amount of acreage devoted to other oilseed crops, which leads to greater biodiesel production. Moreover, the timing is of great importance when you endeavor to revitalize your lawn, meaning that too much wait to react might be the other way around. France, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Australia and Mexico. Dietary Reference Intakes for Sodium and Potassium. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Therefore, larger amounts of organic plant food are required to achieve the same results. Fly eggs are very hard to spot.

by Lonny Guthrie - Sunday, 15 September 2024, 1:43 AM
Anyone in the world

You can purchase large quantities of vinegar at your local grocery store or home improvement store for a fraction of the cost of chemical weed killers. This is important for individuals who may not be able to travel to far off distances to buy recreational weed. Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, represent a significant innovation in automotive technology, aiming to transform the way people travel. Experiments done in the 1920s showed that some rats performed better than others in maze tests, and if these rats were selectively bred, their offspring also performed better, suggesting that in rats an ability to learn was heritable in some way. When the mice proved to be persistent and kept finding ways to get through, Frank himself showed up at the townhouse free of charge. Below, we delve deeper into the ramifications of drunk driving and earnestly discuss why one should never get behind the wheel after consuming. "They all do what they sound like they do and what they’re supposed to do" explains Linares, who says selecting one boils down to personal preference and budget.

Neither party is precluded from seeking relief in a court, for provisional remedies, including temporary restraining order, preliminary injunctions, and Telegram finder ( receiverships, pending arbitrage agree to submit any disputes arising from the use of the Services or any interpretation, violation, non-performance, טלגראס כיוונים אשקלון כיוונים בת ים ( termination or invalidity of these Terms of Service or this arbitration provision (including questions of its formation and enforceability) to final and binding arbitration under the Commercial Rules of Arbitration of the American Arbitration Association, which can be found here, by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with those Rules. From Business: Termite & Pest Control, Structural Repairs, Commercial & Residential, NC Licensed Contractors, Complete Home Inspections, Real Estate Wood Destroying Insect… Any place around your home that retains moisture is a lure for roaches. Along with houseflies, roaches are among the filthiest of insects. Many other states are considering changing their laws to legalize it, making marijuana available for medical and recreational and medical use.

Only minimal sunlight will penetrate, guaranteeing a cool interior making driving instantly more comfortable, while passengers will also appreciate the environment. Those who use the shades might also be interested in purchasing them for other parts of their vehicle which can be used while in motion, to protect passengers and offer privacy. The dash, steering wheel, and trim of the vehicle are all important components to keep in pristine condition, which can be hugely assisted when using the easy to place shade, which fits perfectly into a whole range of models. Businesses with their own fleet of vehicles can get more out of them through the protection which can save them money in replacements or being short of transport when repairs are required maybe when driving through a national park. And that’s before considering the other enjoyable leisure activities that require transport as well as tasks like going shopping. Public transport can often be haphazard, plus the waiting around for the next service can be a real hassle, especially in extreme weather conditions. They are also found on public transportation. Tupelo honey comes from a tree that grows only in wet swampy soil which is generally found in Florida.

Then I found out after visiting the ER, I have an allergic reaction to the bite of these little boogers! Shiitakes were grown in the United States in the late 1970s and have been popular in Asia for over 1,000 years. For ants, a slow-acting toxin is needed so that the workers have time to carry the substance back to the colony, and for flies, a quick-acting substance to prevent further egg-laying and nuisance. If you are bored with your old car covers, now time to go with custom car covers. Discover essential tips on shipping your car to another state. If you have just passed your driving test with flying colours, your thoughts will naturally be turning to buying your first car. While the owner can take care of their vehicle themselves by ensuring the tyres are the right pressure, the oil and water are topped up, and it’s cleaned regularly, they can also make a smart investment by purchasing the highest quality windscreen sun shades which have a great impact on the health on a set of wheels as well as its occupants.